Tuesday 27 April 2010

Greenpeace Advert

As far as Viral posters go this is one of the best examples of 'viral' advertising. It's an interesting advert and it's a strange one at that. It's interesting because it's so random and you have no idea who the advert is representing until the very end. One of the things that I noticed and found interesting in this was the music. It had a tone of sadness and bleakness in the air. As if you didn't want these flying saucers to depart...
I think it all fit together perfectly in the 30 seconds of this advertisement. The ending to the ad was a good ending because it ended on such a down note. The tagline "Have you ever wondered why they always go away?" a hint that we're living in a depressing, depraved place that no one wants to be apart of. This ad sticks out amongst a lot of others because of the bleak theme it has. It's effective in all it's sorrow.

Lika Gum

I think these are brilliant posters and are fascinating visually, and make you not want to look away. As great as these posters are however I really don't see how they'd relate to the gum. "Out of this World" is the tagline, the gum may be out of this world but I think the posters may be too dark, creepy, strange and photographic for a gum advert. Even the Lika Gum logo; green and blue splats are colourful and bold. Maybe it would have been more suited to a cartoon poster with like green aliens playing tennis with a piece of gum on Mars or something. Something less dark and more children and consumers can relate to. Other than that I do like these posters and they do look eerie... like they should be posters for horror films. Not bubblegum.

Leeds Counselling

Expressionism Advert

I don't even know what this advert is for...

This is a short advert but all in all I think it's an effective one. What I think is highly noticable in this is the distortion of the backgrounds behind the pale, odd woman who keeps putting her head to the side and popping up out of nowhere. I think the backgrounds in this are pretty intreaguing in the simple patterns and bizarre structures which remind me of optical illusions and greek structures, art and architecture. I think the way the camera moves and the way it zooms in and out focusing on certain things and the quick flashing imagery is similar to the 'Metz' Judderman advert in all it's splendour and mystery. This advert is another example to modern expressionism and a duality of light and dark to create depth and character to the ad.

Fred and Barney advertising cigarettes

I love the irony of this advert. It's a perfect example of how society has changed and how things back then were accepted and considered OK and healthy and a good thing to do is nowadays considered stuipid, terrible and most of all is unaccepted as 'cool' in modern society. Back when this advert was made it used already popular characters, actors, films and TV shows to promote their product and get it on the mainstream market; in this it is The Flinstones.

Ahh Fred and Barney the two most likeable lazy-ass shit husbands in the world... One of the likeable things about this (I think) is how the two are portrayed and also accepted as lazy husbands who sit on their asses and smoke all day whilst they watch their exhausted wives run around after them and do all of the housework. Back then this was accepted as a modern american househhold and marriage and is portrayed as 'regular and normal' in this parodical smoking advert. If they made an advert with this type of marriage theme in this manner nowadays it probably wouldn't be comedic or portrayed as normal but instead it would be portrayed as the opposite... bad marriages and bad husbands because of how much times have changed and how women are accepted as equal in modern society. It just shows how likeable charcaters or TV shows, or whatever you want (because there are a lot of things that could be used) can in fact sway and pursuade you (or even brainwash you) into believing that you should do something, or act in a certain way, in this case it is spending money on cigarretes to be accepted and brainwashed into believing that it's the right thing to do!

You probably think I'm just rambling on about something incoherent and irrelevant to this advert but I'm not. What I'm trying to say is that comparing this to a modern smoking advert is just incredible, for example the kid's inhaling secondhand smoke advert . The themes and the way the product is promoted is on completely opposite sides! In this advert, the cigarretes are promoted as a good thing, a normal thing and also a more-or-less new and cool thing, and it was accepted. If you were young and walked round with a cigarrete back then (and I'm assuming this is in the 50's) you were considered cool. If your young now and walking round with a cigarrete in your mouth then you are considered a stuipid wanker who is voluntarily paying to suffer an early death and that you're a badly brought up, scruffy show off!

Smoking adverts these days are warnings, not promotions. Everyone knows how bad they are for your health. Most of us have a family member or know someone who has had some form of cancer which is linked to smoking. People pay a lot of money, well-earned and hard-worked money on something which is known as a fact to rot and destroy our insides and put us in an early grave. It's just a matter of time before it's made illegal. Society has changed and it's still changing...
The proof is above these paragraphs.

Energizer Flashlights

Tuesday 20 April 2010

The Lamato Network

Extreme LED sheep advert

Surreal Metz advert

The Metz 'Judderman' advert is a modern day tribute to the old German expressionism movies. It's a cool effective advert which is mysterious and haunting. What makes this advert so intriguing is the contrast between light and dark. What is also highly noticeable is the constant zooming in and out effect with the characters in the advert and the switches of the time lapses making the characters walk at different speeds in different frames. This could also link back to the expressionism cinema era, for example George Melies classic 'Voyage to The Moon' in which the characters look like they're walking at a super high speed. This is because of the old cameras that the cameramen had to wind manually and had to keep going at the right speed or else the characters speeds would be incredibly uneven. What I also find interesting in the photography techniques in this video is the circular vignette effect. Throughout the video there is a border around the centre circle which is completely black in a sort of fisheye effect, at certain points of the video the circle zooms in and out of the characters. I think this is great for suspense. Especially when it zooms right into the characters face when The Judderman terrifies him. It is photography techniques like this which make such effective adverts, making you feel the fear and sympathy of the characters.

Crude Isenbeck Beer advert

Monday 19 April 2010

Kenco Vs. Douwe Egberts

Just by these advertisements you can see a very blatant difference in the products. By the way the coffees are commercialized to the audience you can make a great assumption as to the pitched quality of the products and the type of consumer it'll attract. The Douwe Egberts' coffee (although less popular), the advert is arty, it's black and white, includes good looking people, it's dark, black even! the candle flows, the only light in the room. The music, smooth and quiet; totally sums up the mood of the advert, in duality with the charming frenchman. This advertisement is far intellectual and dark. It's richer and pitches quality. This type of advert and the coffee will attract people with a certain rich taste. And al the more expensive.

And remember the way a product is advertised heavily reflects the type of person it attracts. You could go as far to say that the way it is advertised is more important than anything else to do with the product.

Now, the Kenco. A very popular coffee, mild, tasty, average. This coffee, cheaper and common is pitched in the advert in a friendlier way, it includes elderly, children, normal people; people we see everyday. Not good looking models, blindfolded in a dark room. Kenco has a sense of humor to it's advertisement, as opposed to the emotionless Douwe Egberts'. The backdrop of the advert is a supermarket and a warm, friendly street. It relates to the people of britain, and it is a pure british coffee.

Out of these two very different advertisements, the Kenco delivers more. The Douwe Egberts' seemed too emotionless, that dark and mysterious that is is boring. The Kenco is the coffee of the regular british working man, with a little bit of humor, a little bit of taste, a family man, a friendly man, a man who drinks Kenco.

Tuesday 13 April 2010

Platinum Dunes Vs. Twisted Pictures

Twisted Pictures and Platinum Dunes are similar film companies that which specialize in making horror films. Both companies have a habit of making almost ultra-violent and sometimes extremely gruesome horror films. Although both companies have made very big, successful well-known horror films around the world Platinum Dunes is the slightly more expensive and better known of the two. Platinum Dunes films are usually more expensive than that of Twisted Pictures. The most famous spawn of Platinum Dunes is the Saw franchise. A film series that is profound for it's disturbing torture scenes and the fact that there have been so many Saw films. Both film companies were founded round about the same time 2002/3 but Twisted Pictures since that time have made more slightly cheaper films than Platinum Dunes. Platinum Dunes is most famous for the string of remakes rooted from Dunes'. These include Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Friday the 13th, The Hitcher, Amityville Horror and the upcoming Birds and Friday the 13th. I found that one of the big differences between the two companies is that Twisted Pictures have a habit of emphasizing more on the violence and the brutal nature of certain scenes of the films as opposed to more storyline based with Platinum Dunes. Although neither of the two companies have brilliant remakes! Hence the long string of dragged on no-story torture films from Twisted Pictures and the silly amount of remakes with Platinum Dunes, can they not think of any ideas themselves instead of wearing out older films and dead franchises?

Out of the two companies I prefer Twisted Pictures. One reason is that I have a guilty likeness to the Saw films. The other and the main reason is that I hate the idea of american directors who can't think of any original ideas thinking they can improve cult classics and older brilliant, highly influential franchises by constantly remaking them. It's pretentious and there is no such thing as originality any more! And also every remake that Dunes have spouted out have been dreadful (apart from Texas Chainsaw, but it blatantly stated that it was a true film at the start when it's only roughly based on the crimes of Ed Gein; how bad of a lie is that?!). The only things remakes like these do to brilliant cult classics is disrespect the originality and the genius film-making of these franchises and use them by awful american film directors who can't write films for shit to to cash in on these hard-worked franchises by great influential directors. Platinum Dunes is one of the main roots of these paradoxes and exposures of bad writing and destroying what's good and original in the film industry and that's why I'm against Platinum Dunes.

Although the music of the Platinum Dunes screen is more suspenseful and darker the strength of the visuals is more harshly effective in the Twisted Pictures' title screen. Whereas the Platinum Dunes is more mysterious and it seems like more of a mini build up. to the start of the film.

Monday 12 April 2010

Conservative Campaign Posters

These are the newest campaign posters which are campaigning people to vote conservative as opposed to Labour. (I myself am a liberal). These examples show that ridiculing and mocking is a seedy but effective way to surpass your opponents. The only thing these posters do is humiliate Gordon Brown. The grin on his face is quite amusing. The amusing but embarrassing picture has clearly been used against him in an ironic way making him out to be an imbecile (which he is) but fuck the tories. Because they aren't any better. Pretentious stuck up arse holes. the posters make Gordon Brown to be the central character to some sort of silly, slapstick parodic sketch. Effective posters and good ideas but it doesn't make the tories any more likeable.