Tuesday 27 April 2010

Greenpeace Advert

As far as Viral posters go this is one of the best examples of 'viral' advertising. It's an interesting advert and it's a strange one at that. It's interesting because it's so random and you have no idea who the advert is representing until the very end. One of the things that I noticed and found interesting in this was the music. It had a tone of sadness and bleakness in the air. As if you didn't want these flying saucers to depart...
I think it all fit together perfectly in the 30 seconds of this advertisement. The ending to the ad was a good ending because it ended on such a down note. The tagline "Have you ever wondered why they always go away?" a hint that we're living in a depressing, depraved place that no one wants to be apart of. This ad sticks out amongst a lot of others because of the bleak theme it has. It's effective in all it's sorrow.

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