Monday 14 June 2010

Background for Poster 1.

This is the first charcoal drawing I did. It is miles inferior to the majority of the other charcoal drawings but I like it, very much in fact. The idea came to me when my initial tagline was to tell people that they should come to this place where it takes you back to the past. I wanted an image that would set the scene straight away. A picture that would tell you where exactly I was heading with this. At a first glance on the computer and in my sketchbook it looks almost forgettable but what it represents and also the edited and complete version of this is effective and meaningful. I originally wanted to have light beams in the right hand corner of the image. I actually didn't really know how to portray this properly with charcoal so the edited version has a photoshopped lens flare which sums up what I was trying to do. The idea of a forest came to me when the mystery element and the darkness became to the most important element of the project and what exactly I wanted to give to the audience. That sense of mystery. A looming forest was perfect for that.

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