Thursday 17 June 2010

Poster 2 (of 5)

Here is the completed poster for 'the face of horror'. To complete this all I did was duplicate the 'Cinema Deathly' title, date and everything else. I added a new slogan to this one and after this I darkened the right side of the face and also the background and even lightened certain parts using the levels, burn and dodge tool. I cropped the face cutting out the shoulders and what was the upper part of the body. After adding on the new slogan I gave it an outer glow to make it stand out more, and it does look better with this glow. This is one of the few posters I'm almost completely satisfied with. I'd even go as far to say it is next to perfect (I don't consider anything perfect). I'm satisfied with this because it is exactly how I wanted it to be in the initial plans I did of the posters. In fact, I'd say the face I charcoaled is almost exactly how I described it in the plan beforehand and also how I pictured it in my head. I think (overall) the poster works well. Looking back at it there are one or two things which could be changed to make it even better but still I am happy with the work I have produced.

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