Monday 21 June 2010

Poster 3 (of 5) + alternate

Here is the completed poster and an alternate to the completed poster. In this one you can see the chess piece with the same poster layout. In changing the charcoal chess piece I darkened the background and meddled with the levels to make certain parts lighter and others darker. The single difference between the two posters are clearly visible. The slogan in one of the posters (and the one I like more) is bolder and has a nice, radiant white glow behind it making it stand out from the page. The other is a less serious, distorted slogan with stretched, pulled and rotated distortions. It has more to it than the regular one but I think it is too much for the posters and strays away from the subtlety I am trying to achieve. With the alternate piece I'm talking about I was unsatisfied with it's Joker-like proportions so I created a plainer one which is bolder and has a glow which turned out better; but I have kept both. What I also did to change this poster to make it different from the rest of the posters which is also highly noticeable and stands out from the rest is that I distorted and re-edited the title. With the game element and the chess piece I come up with the distortion and re-proportion idea that would be suitable for the unique theme to this poster. In a way the title gives it an almost futuristic type of oddity.

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