Monday 28 June 2010

Death background for poster 5 (of 5)

This is the charcoal drawing I least like and deem not as effective as the rest. It's less shocking and/or as stunning as some of the others. As you can clearly see; the main subject of this piece is the Grim Reaper himself and as a drawing it doesn't look bad but it's quite clear that it was lacking in something. There is less or no use of shadows or textures in this piece so in a way it looks almost plain in comparison to the rest. The face of the Reaper lacks in character. It lacks in facial structure and the gaunt look I tried to make for him. I lightened his face and the scythe to make them stand out from the almost black background as the whole scene was incredibly dark. Another thing which I could've made better was more emphasis on the background. It's almost cloudy but in full honesty it's boring and there is nothing going on in the whole image; not just the background. With a second try I feel as if I coul've drawn this piece a lot better. This happens to be the obly piece I'm not happy with.

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